Carol plays dumb and asks why Rick had taken the gun from the armory. Michonne keeps a straight face and states that Deanna put Rick in the room to calm things down. Rick points out that his situation is "just like the train car again". Michonne is sitting beside the bed on a chair. Rick wakes up with his face covered in small bandages. He then takes the rabbit foot and leaves.ĭaryl drives down a road on his motorcycle with Aaron following in a car. He puts both of the men in the back of the car and honks the horn a couple of times, to attract any nearby walkers. Morgan, ultimately, kills the walker with his staff. He knocks them both unconscious and attempts to shoot a walker that arrives at the scene with the man's pistol, to then find that the gun wasn't loaded. He repeats his previous suggestion but is attacked again.

Suddenly, another man attacks Morgan from behind with a sickle, though Morgan easily dodges the attack. Morgan replies that he has no problem with the man taking his stuff, but refuses to let the man take him away. Suddenly, the mood turns darker when the man states his intentions to take all of Morgan's belongings, including Morgan himself.

He also explains that he and his group spend their time going from settlement to settlement, murdering and robbing people as they go along, speaking with a friendly tone. They start a conversation where the man tells a story about how the first settlers used natives to hunt wolves. However, the man continues to aim at him. Suddenly, a man with a "W" on his forehead appears, pointing a gun at Morgan. He cooks himself some breakfast and sits down to eat it. He smiles upon the sight of a rabbit's foot hanging on the rear-view mirror. Daryl experiences trouble on a run, while Rick and his group continue to feel like outsiders in Alexandria, where trouble is creeping into the gates.